In our modern days we use laptops everywhere, like school, college, malls, office etc. It’s now so much familiar to all because of its compact manufacture, easy to handle in all place and easy to use by everyone. And also now more compact device available in market like tablet. They also can be used simply and easier to carry.

In laptop it is easy to type word like handwriting and for this it is used in official works throughout the world. Actually in college it is a new fashion of new generation to take notes. There are so much benefit of using it. Although some research says to capture notes in hand is always better than digitally. Now I am going to discuss the pros and cons of use of digital device to take notes.
At first we look upon the pros to use digital device to take notes-
1) It brings another interest to take long notes than by handwriting. So students are not bored to take long notes. On the other side, the students who take notes by hand writing feel so much bore to write notes.
2) Research says that one can type faster than writing. So in a short time students can take notes more by digitally than by hand writing.
3) In digital device they can type long as well as speedy. Research says their typing tendency stay more than writing by hand.
4) They can easily do copy-paste where needed instead of write again in case of handwriting.
5) Notes can be easily transferable by using some device like pen drive, card reader, Bluetooth etc. But it is quite complex to duplicate the notes by Xerox and also waste more time.
6) It seen in many cases that students becomes sleepy to write long notes. But if they take notes by digitally, then it gains interest in them and can take long notes easily.
Also upon this advantages science and research says to capture notes in hand is always beneficial than digital. Now we look upon on this facts-
1) During taking notes in digital devices, it’s more tendency to distract also in the class room. So then they may easily click upon or other social networks during the dull lecture.
2) Also in boring type lectures they surely try to get entertained by playing games or watching videos. That disturb them to learn and differ then from the class lesson.
3) In the time of typing, they stay busy so much and cannot remember what they write in a minute before. But in case of taking note in handwriting, they can easily remembered what they write before and also they can easily look upon the previous notes at a glance, which is not possible by digitally.
4) In digitally, they can’t look back during typing.
5) In a research, the scientists took a lot of university students and notice that they can type more word than hand writings. When they ask an remembered date from the topic both can answered well, but when ask any conceptual question the students who use digital device to take note can’t answer well. So it is clear that during typing they were busy and cannot recall the answer quickly.
6) And also they got time to review their notes and gave a test. After the result it was seen that the students who read the notes from digital device can’t perform better than the students who read notes in their hard copy.
7) In digital device it is more chance to lose the data. Or it may delete by clicking on delete button mistakenly.
8) Also problem may occur due to low charge in devices and cannot get proper chance to recharge it. So that it may shut down during taking notes in the mid time of lecture.
From this so many points of view and so many researches, it is no doubt to say that handwriting is always better to take notes than digitally.