West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE) released a notification some months before for containing TET 2017 examination for the recruitment of Assistant Primary Teacher in the Primary school of class I to V. For previous TET exam, they have not publish yet any 4th merit list. Till now they just publish a short advertisement which clearly states that within this year they are going to recruit some teachers in the primary schools. They do not publish any other advertisement regarding Exam dates, No of vacancy or detail application process. But till now they do’t publish any other advertisement relating this.
Official website of West Bengal School Eucation Department is www.wbsed.gov.in and official website for West Bengal Board of Primary Education is www.wbbpe.org. But they have clearly mentioned that only the Trained Candidates are eligible for the exam as well as for the post.

Suggestion Name : West Bengal TET SuggestionExam conducted By : West Bengal Board of Primary EducationApplicable For : Only trained candidates
Mode of Application : OnlineApplication Last date : Not Mentioned (will be updated after released of notification)Online Portal : www.wbbpe.org
- The candidates must have to be passed Higher Secondary (10+2) or any equivalent examination with 50% marks. (For SC/ST/OBC-A, OBC-B/PH / EC/ Ex-Serviceman and DH (Death-in-harness, 5% marks is relaxed, that is 45%)
- The candidates with higher qualification (Graduate or Post Graduate) don’t have any marks limit in Higher Secondary.
- The candidates must have the following training courses –
- 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education
- 4 year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
- Diploma in Education (Special Education)
- Final year students or who have appeared final examination of Two Year D.El.Ed. Course from NCTE / RCI recognized institutions are eligible for TET 2017.
- The candidates must have to be 18 years old.
Mode of TET Exam
Exam will be toally offline based. Candidates have to fill up a OMR by a black ball point pen.
TET Question pattern
The question paper pattern will be like previous year. The mode of exam and pattern of question is like that –
- MCQ based question and OMR sheet.
- 150 marks question each of 1 marks.
- No negative marking for wrong answer.
- Offline pen and paper based exam.
West Bengal TET Syllabus For Child Development And Pedagogy
- Assessment
- Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with special needs
- Understanding Child Development during Childhood (focus on children at primary level)
- Approaches to teaching and learning
- Understanding Learning Process and Learners
WB Primary TET Syllabus for Language (English)
- Skills in learning English
- Comprehension
- Skills in learning English
- The Language items
- Learning English at the Elementary Level
- Language Learning
- Assessment of English
West Bengal Teacher Eligibility Test Syllabus for Mathematics
- Mathematics Education in Schools
- Number System and Operation in Numbers
- Assessment in Mathematics
- Methods and Approaches to Teaching-Learning Mathematics
- Measurement
- Shapes and Spatial Relationship
West Bengal Primary School Teachers Syllabus for Language (Bengali)
- Language Comprehension
- Assessment of learning Bengali
- Language items
- Learning Bengali at elementary level
- Teaching, Reading and Writing Skills
WBBPE TET Syllabus For Environmental Studies
- History of Freedom Struggle in India and West Bengal
- Evaluation in EVS
- Physical Features of West Bengal and India
- Governance
- Matter, Force, and Energy
- Concept
- Health and Diseases
- Internal Systems of Human Body
- Methods and Approaches
Suggestions are so much valuable to a exam that can change a student’s life. So everyone wants to get a suggestion to prepare himself.
- Click here to download WB TET Child Study Suggestion
- Click here to download WB TET Environmental Science Suggestion
You can also prepare for TET by giving MOCK tests. You can get some mock tests from here –
(3) TET Mock Test (Mentioned above)
(4) Download WB TET Suggestion
(5) TET Best books to buy online (Link will be given shortly)
No of Question in TET : 150
Total time of TET exam : 90 Minutes
Date of Exam : Not announced till now
CONTACT DETAIL (For any queries)
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan,
DK 7/1, Sector II
Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
Ph : 91 33 2334 8983
Fax : 91 33 2321 1202
Email : secretary.wbbpe@yahoo.com
** TET Exam is totally offline based.
*** If you face any question then immediately contact with us. We will reply you within 24 hours.