Madhyamik English Suggestion 2023 is ready for you for taking preparation of West Bengal Board Madhyamik Exam. Madhyamik English Writing Suggestion PDF is ready to download. Madhyamik English Grammar Suggestion is also provided in the PDF.
Suggestions are so much valuable to a exam that can change a student’s life. So everyone wants to get a suggestion to prepare himself/herself. Madhyamik and Higher secondary students can’t get a good suggestion that prepare them well as well as save their time.
For that, we takes a small step to ready a hand-made suggestions by some experienced teacher and deliver it to the every student at totally free or zero cost. Previous years question papers are also valuable to understand the question pattern. You can check the previous year’s question papers from here.

Suggestion Subject | Madhyamik English Suggestion 2023 |
Date of Exam | February 24, 2023 |
Prepared By | Experienced Teachers |
Cost of Madhyamik English Suggestion | FREE |
Some suggestions are also available in market. But the cost of that suggestions are high. So everyone try to get a suggestion at free and also from which he/she will get the maximum no of common in their board exam. Here we have uploaded the History suggestion for Madhyamik candidates.
Exam Date of English (Madhyamik)
From the WBBSE board routine, the English exam of Madhyamik will be held on February 24, 2023.
Madhyamik English Syllabus
Father’s Help – R.K. Narayan
The Passing Away of Bapu- Nayantara Sehgal
Our Runaway Kite- Lucy Maud Montgomery
The Cat- Andrew Barton Paterson
Fable- Ralph Waldo Emerson
My Own True Family- Ted Hughes
Sea Fever- John Masefield
The Snail- William Cowper
Question Pattern
- Written Test : 90 marks: 1, 2, 3,4,5 marks questions are there. 1 mark questions may be from MCQ type, fill in the blank and True-False.
- Viva or Oral : 10 marks
Prose | Father’s Help The Passing Away of Bapu Our Runaway Kite The Cat | 12 |
Poetry | Fable My Own True Family Sea Fever The Snail | 8 |
Unseen | Current topic or anything else | 20 |
Grammar & Vocabulary | Articles & Prepositions Correct Form of Verbs Voice Change Narration Change Simple-Complex-Compound Assertive-Imperative-Interrogative Gerund & Participle Phrasal Verbs | 20 |
Writing Skills | Paragraph Report Letter Process Story | 30 |

Exam Time
The total time duration allotted for exam is 3 hours 30 minutes. The question will be served 15 minutes before. The time of exam is from 11:45 am to 3 :00 pm.
Exam Place
In this year students have to appear for the Madhyamik examination from their own school or from home centers.
Madhyamik English Suggestion
This suggestion is prepared by some experienced teachers. And they have a good reputation for preparing suggestion in every year. So it may be your best suggestion with sure common in Board exam. You can download West Bengal Madhyamik English Suggestion from the below link.
Click here to download Madhyamik 2023 English Suggestion
Click here to download the other Madhyamik Suggestions
This suggestion includes the following things
- Prose Suggestion
- Poem Suggestion
- Madhyamik English Writing Suggestion
- Madhyamik English Grammar Suggestion
- Madhyamik Suggestion 2023 English Notice
- Madhyamik English Paragraph Suggestion 2019
- Madhyamik English Writing Skills Suggestion
Madhyamik English Writing Suggestion
Letter, Notice & Report Writing
- Write a letter to the Headmaster to provide extra classes.
- Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily about the harm that is caused to young minds due to excessive depiction of violence and crime on television.
- Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily about the harm that is caused to the environment by the use of plastic bags and cups.
- Write a letter to the editor a newspaper about the problems faced by common people due to uncontrolled use of loudspekers and sound boxes during different programmes and festivals.
- Write a letter to your father about your progress in studies.
- Write a letter to your friend about your plan to spend the vacation after the Madhyamik Examination.
- Write a letter to your younger brother about the ben efits of reading newspaper.
- Write a letter to your friend inviting him to come to you for a joint excursion to Digha
- Write a letter to the health officer of your block seek
- Seeking permission to arrange a blood donation camp.
- Write a application to your Headmaster praying some specimen copies of books which are given to the poor and meritorious students of your school.
- Annual prize day will be held next month in your school.
- A culture programme will be held on this occasion and volunteers are needed.
- Write a notice for the students of your school requesting them to participate in a programme entitled “Keep Your School Clean”.
- Your school is going to publish its annual magazine. Suppose you are the Student Editor of the Magazine Sub committee. Write a notice inviting contributions from the students.
- Write a report on the re-introduction of “Pass-Fail System”
- Write a report on “Fire in a Market”
- Write a letter in about 100 words to the Editor of an English daily about the positive impact of Kanyashree Prakalpa amongst girl students in your area
- Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problems faced by common people due to uncontrolled use of loudspeakers and sound boxed during different programmes and festival.
- Write a latter to your friend sharing with him/her your experience of visiting a place of historical
- Suppose you are the captain of your school. Write a notice requesting the students to participate in the “Keep your school Clean’ programme.
- The Annual Kolkata Book Fair. Write a report on that.
Story Writing
• The farmer and his idle sons the wolf and the crane
•The right judgment
•A man from the mars
• Brave girl escapes marriage
Paragraph Writing
- School Sports
- Discipline In student life
- Computer
- A Visit to a fair
- Global warming
- Importance of reading book
- Your best teacher
- Corona 19
Process Writing
- chili chicken
- Any Mixture preparation
Madhyamik English Unseen Suggestion
No one can surely tell from where a unseen passage will come. It may be anyone’s biography, any recent incident or any novel piece. So do not waste your precious time by searching unseen suggestion in internet. You can practice unseen passages from Test Paper. Try to complete as much as possible. It will increase your skill to write answer from an unknown topic.
How to Get Good Marks in Madhyamik Bengali Exam:
- ক্লাস বই গুলো ভালো করে পড় এবং Tution Teacher এর থেকে ভালো করে নোট তৈরী করো
- টেস্ট পেপার এ নিয়মিতই নিজেকে যাচাই কর
- মাধ্যমিক টেস্ট পরীক্ষার আগে সকল সিলেবাস শেষ করে দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করবে।
- বিভিন্ন Mock Test দিয়ে Preparation নিতে পারো
- হাতের লেখা ভালো করার চেষ্টা করো | লেখা ভালো দেখতে হলে শিক্ষকের তোমার প্রতি একটি ভালধারণা তৈরী হবে
- কমপক্ষে পরীক্ষার আগে তোমার পাঠ্য বই টি ৩ বার Revise দিয়ে নিতে হবে
- বানান ভুল কম করার চেষ্টা করতে হবে
- দিনের কোন সময় যে কোন বিষয় পড়বে বা সপ্তাহের কোন দিন কি পড়বে তার একটি তালিকা তৈরি কর
- টেস্ট পেপারের যে কোনও একটা প্রশ্নপত্র খুলে এক দিন সময় ধরে পরীক্ষা দাও। তার পর নিজেই বই খুলে যাচাই করে নিজেকে নম্বর দাও।
Suggestions are nothing but a probability of outcome questions. So we suggest you to read your text books well and make a clear concept on the topic before the suggestion. We say that the text books might be one’s first priority to score well.You can comment here about your satisfaction from this suggestion and also can discuss any of your query with us. You can also like our Facebook Page to get the latest updates.