Crack an competitive exam is a very difficult process now a day. There are so many competitors in a exam, either state board exam or central exam. So you have to be different from other to crack the exam. You have to know something different than others. You have to learn, how you answer the questions or how utilities the time in exam hall. This are called in brief, TIPS and TACTICS. Try to follow that points I have mentioned below and practice at home by some mock tests. Time is a big matter in any competitive exam. In most of the cases, there are less than one minute time for a one mark question. So it is so much important to manage your time in the exam hall. Let’s see, what you do in that time after getting your question paper.
1) Read carefully : At first, read the instructions given at the very first page of the question paper and also make it a habbit. Now before answering a question, read the question very carefully and understand the direction given to attempt the question to reduce the scope for blunders.
2) Don’t waste excessive time for one question : If you can not remember the answer or do not know the answer, then don’t waste excessive time as doing so. Just mark it for review and pass away. Otherwise it will lead to a decrease in remaining time and hence other questions will suffer.
3) Solve the easy questions first : You have to be aware to bifurcate the questions according to there difficulty level. Always try to solve the easy questions first as this saves a lot of time. Also there are so many sections like Aptitude, General Knowledge, Verbal etc. Choose that section to answer first in which you are expert. That also saves time. Time management plays a vital part in achieving success.
4) Strike off the wrong options : Now most of the competitive exam contains MCQ questions. So there are some options in which one is correct. In this case you have to strike off the options which will not be the answer even a slightest bit and for that you are hundred percent sure. And then concentrate on the other options. By doing this you will be able to find out the correct one easily.
5) Use Mark for Review option : If you are giving an online exam, then there have a option for review questions. Try to use this as it will highlight the question no which you marked before for review in the right side of question pallet or computer screen. If you are giving an offline exam, then just mark a sign by pen or pencil in the question paper for review it later.
6) Try to attempt the leftover questions : I have already said that time manage is a skill that you have to lrarn. Try to manage some time for that questions which you have already left or make a mark for review.
7) Look an eye on clock : During the exam, always keep your eye on your watch. Try to complete the exam early so that you will get some extra time to review the leftover questions or to revise the paper once more.
8) Use scribble pad : Sometimes scribble pads are provided for rough work. You can use it to note down some points or ideas. If scribble pads are not provided then there are some blank pages at the end of question paper for rough use.
9) Use virtual numerical keypad : No competitive exam will allow you to use calculator. But there are some exam (like GATE), there are a chance to use computer virtual numeric keyboard. You can use it. But before use this, may sure of its usage. Otherwise, during online exam, opening of a new tab or opening of calculator may close your exam tab in the browser and the answers till then will automatically be submitted by the server.
These are the some basic points that you have to mind at the time of exam, or in exam hall. It may effect a good result on you. And at last Best of Luck for your overcoming exam.