One common thing found in people from ancient India to modern India is they yearn for a “Sarkari” job. The intervention of IT sectors had a colossal effect in the minds of Indians, yet it didn’t affect the craving for Sarkari jobs. The number of candidates waiting for Sarkari Result to get into a Sarkari job is getting surged expeditiously. The reason for this is that the massive layoffs in the IT sectors incorporated the fear of job security. And also many risk factors are seen in health care and personal care.

Our country stands seventh when comes to the area and the proud possessor of the fourth largest railway network in the whole world. Government of India conducts many exams under specified Groups like RRB ALP, RRB JE, RRB NTPC, RRB Group D, to give employment in the various sectors to be filled. Many of the railway posts are being unfilled due to ignorance. Its high time to just kick off the ignorance and get promising careers in Indian Railways.
Railways-Group A
This is basically for civil services and requires you to establish a proper administration for the complete railway transport system. The recruitment is done by two exams viz civil service examination and combined engineering service examination and is conducted by UPSC. We have the civil service examinations including Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS), Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS), Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS), Railway Protection Force (RPF). The Group A combined engineering services examination includes Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers(IRSME), Special Class Railway Apprentice (SCRA), Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers(IRSEE), Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers(IRSSE), Indian Railway Stores Service (IRSS). Another major exam is the Indian Railway Medical Service (IRMS) conducted for the medical officers in Railways.
Railways-Group B
Most of the Group B posts are filled by the promotion of Group B cadre experienced candidates. This is to give equal chance for the experienced candidates and also its believed to have a mixture of fresh and experienced candidates for the smooth running of railways. In case the vacancies are unfilled through the promotional quota, then its carried forward to Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) to fill the vacancies in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Signal & Telecommunications, Transportation Department, Department of Commerce, Stores and Accounts.
Railways-Group C
More than 25000 vacancies are to be filled in Group C. Since there is a vast amount of recruitment, the exams are conducted in various zones which consists of 21 Railway Recruitment Boards(RRB) controlled by Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB). Recruitment is done for both technical and nontechnical cadre. Direct recruitment in Group C categories is done through the General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE).
RRB NTPC (Non-Technical Popular Category), RRB Technical Cadre and RPF Sub-Inspectors/Constables are the posts coming under Group C. The various posts coming under RRB NTPC are Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk, Goods Guard, Junior Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist, Senior Clerk-cum-Typist, Assistant Station Master, Traffic Assistant, Sr. Time Keeper.
RRB technical cadre posts are in electrical, civil, mechanical, signals and telecommunications, etc. RRB JE/ SSE Recruitment Exams are conducted for the posts of Junior Engineer and Senior Section Engineer
RPF Sub-Inspector/Constables of Group C have two major divisions of the Executive Branch and Fire Service Branch. The examinations for Sub-inspector and Constables are different. Railway Assistant Loco Pilot(ALP) Exam also comes under Group C and it is done separately for the appointment of Loco Pilot.
Railways- Group D
The Group D exam is conducted for the lower cadre by Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) on behalf of Railway Recruitment Cells (RRCs). The posts under Group D are Trackman, Porter, Helper/Assistant in various technical departments (Electrical, Mechanical, and S&T departments), Assistant Pointsman, Level-I posts in other departments of Indian Railways.
Today most of the youngsters complain about unemployment because they don’t knock at the doors of employment. They don’t knock because they are not aware of it. Indian Railways had opened up a mammoth door of opportunities from IRTS to RRB NTPC to get into railways. And we wish the Sarkari Results of 2020 would bring good fortune to the vibrant young Indians to enter the opened doors of Indian Railways and fill the vacancies.