NEET Best Books PDF, NEET Previous Year Question, NEET Exam Question Paper, NEET Exam 2024 Question Paper Download, Best Reference Books for NEET, NEET suggestions, NEET Exam Syllabus 2024, NEET Book Name, NEET Book Price, NEET Book List, NEET Book PDF Download, Medical Entrance Exam Question Paper.

NEET Exam Pattern
- NEET 2024 Exam will be an offline pen-paper based Exam.
- The question paper of the NEET 2024 Examination will contain total of 200 questions, of which 180 need to be attempted. These questions will be MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ).
- Each Question will carry 4 marks. Hence the total marks for NEET 2024 exam is 720.
- There will be negative marking for wrong answers. For every correct answer, you will get 4 marks and for every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted.
- If you do not answer for any question, you will get zero mark for that question. No extra mark will be deducted for that.
- Question paper of NEET 2024 Examination will be from 11th & 12th syllabus .
- All questions will be in Assamese; Bengali; English; Gujarati; Hindi; Kannada; Marathi; Oriya; Tamil; Telugu; Urdu & English language.
- The total time limit of the exam is 200 minutes, that is, 3 hours and 20 minutes. It starts exactly at 2pm and ends at 5:20pm.
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NEET 2024 Question pattern
NEET 2024 offline exam questions will come from class XI and XII from the 3 subjects – Biology, Physics, Chemistry.
Physics | Section A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions) |
Chemistry | Section A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions) |
Botany | Section A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions) |
Zoology | Section A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions) |

NEET syllabus 2024 is same of class 11th & 12th syllabus. Class XI and class XI standard syllabus of NCERT is described in below table. You can download any particular topic PDF or the whole book PDF by clicking on the Chapter Name in the below table. NEET Best Books PDF links are available below.
NEET Biology Syllabus
NEET Physics Syllabus
NEET Chemistry Syllabus
* This Syllabus is as per the guidelines set by NTA and includes chapters from class 11 and 12 subjects Biology (Botany and Zoology), Physics and Chemistry. Mentioned above are the links of the NCERT NEET Best Books PDF of these subjects characterized as the standard books for NEET by the NTA.
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NEET Entrance Exam Best Book List
NEET exam question paper will be from Class 11th & 12th syllabus. So try to read carefully standard books of class XI and class XII and use practice book as well. Below I am providing some standard book of Class XI and XII to study and standard practice book.
Biology Subjective Books for NEET
- NCERT biology
- Trueman’s biology
- Dinesh companion biology
- Chhaya Prakashini biology class 11 & 12
- study material of standard coaching institutes ( eg- Allen , Akash etc )
Biology Objective Books for NEET
- MTG objective NCERT at your fingertips biology
- NCERT exemplar
- Dinesh objective biology
- Master The NCERT by Arihant
Physics Subjective Books for NEET
- NCERT Physics
- Understanding physics by D.C.Pandey
- Concept of physics by H.C.Verma
- New Millennium physics by Dinesh publications
- study material of standard coaching institutes ( eg- Allen , Akash etc )
Physics Objective Books for NEET
- MTG Complete NEET Guide Physic
- GRB Objective Physics
- Dinesh objective physics
Chemistry Subjective Books for NEET
- NCERT chemistry book
- Chemistry modules by mc mcgraw hill education
- Modern’s abc chemistry by modern publishers
- study material of standard coaching institutes ( eg- Allen , Akash etc )
Chemistry Objective Books for NEET
- MTG objective NCERT at your fingertips chemistry
- Shri Balaji Problems in Chemistry for NEET/AIIMS ( Organic + Inorganic + Physical )
- Dinesh objective chemistry
- Arhiant NCERT solutions class 11th & 12th chemistry
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NEET Exam YouTube Video
- Exam hall Strategy– Before reaching to exam hall set a strategy how to answer questions or which topic you start first. Usually students prefer to start with biology and then proceed to chemistry and then finally physics. But it completely depends on the preference and choice of the student.
- Time Management – Time management is the key to success in the examination. So keep a watch to check time regularly. Allocate time for each subject to answer before reaching to exam hall. If you can’t manage your time then you wouldn’t be able to complete all the questions in the stipulated time.
- Negative Marking consideration – There will be negative marking for wrong answers. For every correct answer, you will get 4 marks and for every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted. So only attempt the questions you are absolutely sure about or take an educated guess in case of the questions you are slightly doubtful about But ALWAYS leave the questions you do not have any idea/clue about.
- Fill the OMR sheet very carefully – Do not panic or hurry while filling the OMR sheet or the outcome can be hazardous and you might end up bubbling the wrong sequence of answers in the OMR sheet.
- At last, stay clam for the entire 3 hours 20 minutes of the exam so that you do not panic and mess up the easier questions you otherwise could have answered correctly.
NEET Previous Year Question Papers
The NATIONAL TESTING AGENCY (NTA) is conducting NEET exam for this year and has been conducting NEET ever since 2019 (before that CBSE used to conduct the NEET examinations).
Here is a link of the last 10 years question papers along with the answer key, for you to practice.
NEET Question Papers: Download NEET Previous Year Question Paper with Solutions PDFs
NEET Sample Paper/ Mock tests
You can download the sample NEET papers of a number of esteemed institutes which conduct MOCK TESTS from time to time. Also NEET exam sample papers are available in a number of different languages ranging from HINDI, ASSAMESE, etc. Just Google it to download the various mock tests papers.
How to prepare for NEET
Here are few tips that you need to follow daily to clear the prestigious NEET exam. I am describing each one of them one by one. Read carefully all the points and sort out which one you are not following currently. Then try to follow that from the next day itself:-
- Solve NEET sample question papers online.
- You can search for NEET mock tests online. There are so many online website which provides online MCQ Mock Test and show your result instantly.
- If you have very less preparation then surely take an online or offline coaching.
- Differentiate time for studying the material and for practicing that portion.
- Online mock tests show your strong areas and even the weaker ones that require more preparation.
- Prepare proper notes during 1st time study which will help to revise and reduce time to revise that syllabus.
- Note down all the formulas of Physics, Chemistry and Biology in a portion of your notebook, so that you can easily revise it during revision.
- You can also stick that paper on your study table so that it is visible and you can revise it anytime.
- Meditation will increase your concentration. So try to set a specific time for meditation in morning.
- Prepare a time table where you will set a specific time for a specific subject. Try to stick with it.
- You should make a proper time table for topics, wherein you can mention and set targets, as to within how many days you have to finish that particular topic.
- Sleep is so much important for daily life. Set a specific time of your sleeping time and the time to wake up in morning.
- Try to go away from social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Youtube etc. for few days before examination.
- Use Social sites / apps to contact friends and for sending or receiving study materials only.
Frequently Asked Questions
which are the course NEET offers to study ?
Students can pursue prestigious course like MBBS(medical), BDS(Dental), BMS(Ayush) by passing NEET.
How to complete whole NEET exam syllabus in 6 months for AIIMS?
You have to deeply concentrate only on the specific NCERT syllabus and have to study a long hours in every day.
How can I study full syllabus of NEET 2024 in just 3 days from zero level?
Honestly, it is not possible to complete all NEET syllabus within 3 days from zero level.
How to cover NEET syllabus in 15 days?
It is not possible to complete all syllabus of NEET within 15 days. But you can study the main topics from all subjects.
What is the syllabus for entrance exam for NEET aspirants?
Class 11 & 12 NCERT full syllabus.
Does out of syllabus question can be asked in NEET exam?
Chance is very less. Application based questions may be asked only.
Where I get the NEET Best Books PDF?
NCERT books cover all the syllabus. Other books name are already discussed above.