Secondary and higher-secondary are both life’s first two valuable examination conducted by West Bengal Board. Secondary conducted by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) and higher-secondary conducted by West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE). Generally the time of exam of secondary is from first week February to first week of March. And the time of higher-secondary is from mid of February to end of March. You have to be prepared well before the exam. And for that all of our first priority is the previous year’s question paper. Because we can guess easily the incoming questions or the question type from the previous year’s question papers. Secondary and Higher-Secondary previous years question papers are so much important for all.

So we are taking our little foot-step to upload the previous year’s question papers for the secondary and higher-secondary candidates. That is so much valuable to them. You can download all the previous year question papers of WBBSE and WBCHSE from the below downloadable pdf links.
12 class computer science 2017 wbchse question paper is not here?
You can see the Computer Application question paper.