kanyashree k3 application form is the kanyashree form for college students. Now college girl students are eligible to apply for Kanyashree K3 scheme. Apply online for Kanyashree K3.
It is a best scholarship for West Bengal students from the government. But it limits only to female college students. Any Kanyashree scheme is not available for male student.
Class 11&12 and Honours students can apply for K1 & K2 scheme. This is a scheme of Mamata Banerjee.

Scholarship Name : Kanyashree PrakalpaOrganization Name : Department of Women Development and Social Welfare, Government of West BengalApplicable For : Girl Students of West Bengal
Mode of Application : OnlineLast date to obtain the application form :Last date of submission of application : 10 September 2018 & 30th November 2018 (for K3 Scheme)Online Portal : https://www.wbkanyashree.gov.in
✅On July 28th, 2017 the Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamta Banerjee announced that the girl students who are currently studying at any University can register for Kanyashree K3 scheme.
স্কুল ছাত্রীদের পাশাপাশি কন্যাশ্রী স্কলারশিপ এখন কলেজ ছাত্রীদের জন্যও। 13 থেকে 18 বছর বয়সি ছাত্রীরা পাবে K1 scholarship 1000 টাকা । 18 থেকে 19 বছর বয়সী ছাত্রীরা কবে K2 scholarship যেটা One Time grant 25 হাজার টাকা । এবং কলেজ ছাত্রীরা পাবে k3 scholarship, বিজ্ঞান বিভাগের জন্য 2500 টাকা এবং কলা বিভাগের জন্য 2000 টাকা ।
✍The main objective of Kanyashree scheme:
- Discouraging early marriage of young girls to ensure compliance with the legal provisions pertaining to the minimum age at marriage.
- Motivate the girl childs to continue a long day education and to take admission in the higher class courses.
- Government has tried to reduceof drop outs of girl childs from poor families.
- Government has tried to eradicate under-nutrition and mal-nutrition of girl child.
- Category III (K3): Science stream students will receive Rs. 2500 per month and Arts stream students will receive Rs. 2000 per month.
- Only the girls students, who are already registered for K2 scheme, are only eligible for K3 scheme.
- Applicants have to passed Undergraduate degree with at least 45% marks and took admission on any Postgraduate course under any University.
- There is no any maximum age limit to apply for Kanyashree K3 Prakalpa.
- Kanyashree K3 scholarship entertained for University girl students, who are currently pursuing in any of the course as a Postgraduate Degree. On this category, no matter what is the marital status and what is the monthly family income of the applicant.
Know all the schemes of Kanyashree K1, K2 & K3
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- Visit the official website – http://svmcm.wbhed.gov.in
- Click on the ‘How to Apply’ section or just click on ‘New user? Register here’ button.
- Now you can see the option ‘Apply for Kanyashree Prakalpa (K3)’ under the tab DIRECTORATE of PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (DPI)
- Now select Year, give your Kanyashree ID, Name, Date of Birth (DOB), Father’s & Mother’s name and then click on ‘K2 Authentication’.
- After successful verification, you can update your personal information from the application form and then click on the Register option. After that, you will receive a unique Applicant ID.
- Now again visit – svmcm.wbhed.gov.in and login with your Applicant ID and password.
- Here you get Edit Application/Edit Profile option to update your information and upload scanned photograph as well as signature. You have to update your bank account details also.
- Now you have to upload the other supporting documents like Admit Card and Marksheet of the last exam passed, Admit Card and Marksheet of Secondary (Madhyamik), Domicile Certificate (Aadhaar Card, Ration Card, Voter Card etc) and Scanned copy of Bank Passbook first page.
- Uploading successfully all the documents, click on the Final Submit button and download the Head of Institute Verification Certificate. Take a print out of that page in a A4 size page and signed it with attested by the Head of your institution and upload it again to the website. You can also apply for Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship or Bikash Bhaban Scholarship.
- After successfully uploading of the verification certificate, the Online Application Process for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship will be completed from your end.
Click here to download Madhyamik & HS Suggestions
Check the scholarship you can apply for this year
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