Teachers’ Eligibility Test or simply TET is an exam of all state government to select Teachers for Primary Schools. So it is great chance to explore yourself in the teaching profession with a handsome salary. For that, you have to sit and qualify in TET exam.
There are some Lakh Applicants for that exam. So, it is not quite easy to crack and get the job. You have to prepare well for that. Before that you have to know everything about TET which is mentioned in this article. Read it carefully. If you concentrate on that, you will surely get your answer relating TET.

Question Pattern will be same like previous TET exam. Follow the below notes carefully to understand the actual pattern of TET Exam.
- MCQ based question and OMR sheet.
- 160 marks question each of 1 marks.
- No negative marking for wrong answer.
- Offline pen and paper based exam.
You have to go through various Mock Test to prepare your self before exam. It s one of the main key to success in TET exam. For that we prepare various mock test series for TET candidates. All Details of TET with Application Process is described here. This Mock Test contain 10-15 questions which are very suggestive. You can check your rating also from that score. Click on that below links to Start a Mock Test.
Sample Papers and Suggestions will be uploaded soon. Please keep in touch with us and comment below for suggestions. It will be directly mailed to you.
You can practice the question papers –
(1) Click here to download Practice Paper 1 (cancelled paper of TET 2015)
(2) Click here to download Practice Paper 2
(3) Click here to download Practice Paper 3
(4) Click here to download Practice Paper 4
- Subject Interface: At first you have to know the subjects or the elaborate syllabus from which questions of TET examination will be done. Here the subjects are – Child ability, First Language, Second Language (English), Mathematics, Environmental Science. And maximum no of questions will be from Madhyamik or Higher Secondary level. So prepare more from Madhyamik and Higher Secondary books.
- Follow Books and Newspaper: To get Pass Mark in TET exam you have to must follow some best TET practice book which I have mentioned below. Also You have to follow some employment news paper like, Karmakhetra, Karmasagasthan, Jibika Dishari etc. This newspapers also discuss some suggestive Question-Answer in weekly basis.
- Solve Previous Year Question Papers: Solve previous year question papers as much as you can. It give you an idea of which type of questions may be in the exam.
- Plan your strategy:You have to plan a strategy of your own. Means, time limit of preparation in a day or how much time you have to prepare for each subject in a day. Make a Daily Routine of preparation of time. Ex. 1.5 hour per subject in a day, like that of your own which makes you suitable. Tactics is main in all competitive exam, you can follow it.
- Start your question paper with easy questions: In TET Exam, there will be no negative marking. So start your question paper from easy questions.or which question make you comfortable to answer. Or you have take more preparation on which section. Ex – language section, as it involves reading a passage ans answer questions from that passage.
- Time Management: Time Management is one of the most important thing during a exam. Don’t devote much time on a single section. For that, first solve the questions which answers you know well. There are no probability of various answers. Its also increase your confidential mentality which makes a good result at the end of exam.
- No Negative Marking: There are no negative mark on wrong answers. But you have to remember always that you have to concentrate more on the accuracy than trying to answer each and every question. For that, start on easy sections and give right answers which makes you more confidence and proceed further with other topics. Try to attend all questions.
- Don’t try to copy other candidate’s answer sheet as there may be various question booklet.
- During the examination; Calculator, log table, mobile phone or any other digital device will not be allowed. Don’t keep these with you. Make a practice of not using of calculator.
Which section to start first?
Always choose the sections on the basis of your expertise. The candidates should not waste time over the section they are not well prepared. You can start your exam like that way –
- Start with the Child Development and Pedagogy section, as it is all reading part and won’t take much time to solve the 30 questions.
- Then Bengali, as it involves reading a passage ans answer questions from that passage.
- English
- Environmental Science, as some basic Madhyamik level question are there.
- At last Mathematics, As in Mathematics you have to solve Maths by formula and calculation which is Time-effective. But be careful to solve answers and keep more time for that section.
- Do attempt the questions left in the remaining time.
- Do attempt only those questions you are sure of.
- Do read all the questions properly.
- Do relax and stay calm.
- Do attend all questions as there are no negative marking.
- Do not devote so much time on a single question.
- Do not lose your calm.
- Do not use any digital device.
- Do not try to copy from another candidate.
Suggestion for Child Development & Psychology:-Child Development and Pedagogy is very important and crucial topic. So you have to prepare well in that section. The questions comprise of educational psychology topics of teaching and learning. That are relevant to the age group of 11-14 years. The focus will be on understanding the characteristics, needs and the psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
- Educational Psychology
- Child development and its relation with learning
- Principals of the development of child
- Language & speech development
- Influence of Hereditary and environment
- Socialization process
- Piaget’s, Kohlberg’s and Vygotsky’s concept
- Progressive Education
- Intelligence
- Children with special needs
- Needs of children with learning difficulties, impairment etc
- Addressing the talented, creative, specially able learners
- Strategies of children learning
- Why children fail to achieve success in exam
- Cognition and emotion
- Motivation and learning Suggestion for
Suggestion for Bengali
Focus on Bengali Grammar section. It is quite difficult to maximum no of candidates. Then follow the Bengali books of Class I to IV. You can check Class I to VIII books from here.
Suggestion for English (2nd language): Try to prepare well on that following sections –
- Unseen Passage
- Article and preposition
- Phrasal Verb
- Voice Change
- Narration change
- Synonyms & Antonyms
- One word substitution
- Sentence completion
- Spotting errors
- Sentence improvement
- Reconstruction of sentence
- Idioms and Phrases
- Spelling test
Suggestion for Mathematics: For mathematics you have to read Madhyamik Math books well. Because maximum no problem on primary TET come from Madhyamik Mathematics syllabus. From here you can easily know the formula of various mathematical problems.
- Theory of numbers
- L.C.M and H.C.F
- Average
- Simplification
- Ratio
- Profit and loss
- Proportion of mixture
- Simple Interest
- Time, Distance and velocity
- Time and Work
- Percentage
- Algebra
- Basic geometry
Some Best Books for TET are mentioned below. Click here to download Class I to Class VIII all books to prepare yourself.

How do I get pass marks in TET exam?
- In this circumstance I would suggest you to join in a good coaching institute and attend classes. Beside that, continue on self preparation. Because self preparation is always the pillar of success.
- Give more concentrate on previous year question papers and Mock Test. Spend at least 5-6 hours per day for study.
- Identify your weak areas and take more preparation on that areas. Solve question on that section more and more.
- Understand the basic content of each syllabus. If you understand the basic then it will be more easy to capture the whole syllabus at a quick time.
- At last, Prepare yourself and practice model sets more and more. Self-preparation is one and only way to get pass marks in your TET Exam.