Higher Secondary Exam Result Online is available for students to check by some process like SMS or IVR.
West Bengal Higher Secondary exam already done. And you were free in this days and spent your time at favorite places. But now its time to know about your result.
Means when the result will publish, how to check your result, how do scrutiny or review PPS & PPR after result publication and much more. For that you have to read all the details from here. You can get the result by online checking as well as by SMS or IVR system.
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education recently published the date of result publication of class XII. And finally the date is – Updated Soon. Students can check the result from the below mentioned websites at 10.30 AM on that date.

Board Name: West Bengal Board of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE)
Result For: Higher Secondary
Mode of Result Checking: Online/ SMS/ IVR
Time of Result Publication: Updated Soon, 10.30AM
Online Portal: http://wbchse.nic.in/
Online Website to check Higher Secondary Result
The websites from where students can check their result of Madhyamik examination are –
- www.wbchse.nic.in
- wbresults.nic.in
- www.exametc.com
- http://west-bengal.indiaresults.com
- www.rediff.com/exams
- www.indiaresults.com
- results.sify.com
- www.manabadi.com
- www.Calcuttatelephones.com
- www.schools9.com
- www.resultout.com
- www.bharatstudent.com
Uccha-Madhyamik Exam Result by SMS
There are also an process by which students can check their Secondary examination result by sending an SMS. For that you have to type WB12<space>Roll Number and have to send in 57333, 54242, 54646, 46969 (For all operators)
You can also get result by registering on website with your mobile no. For that, you have to register on www.exametc.com with your Madhyamik roll number and mobile number. After publication of result, you will get a message of your marks.
Higher Secondary Exam Result Online by IVR
Students can also check their result by IVR(Interactive Voice Response) Process. IVR means, you have to call on this number and you can listen your mark by putting your Roll NO. For that, call –
- 543212222 (Airtel)
- 505101096 (All operators)
How to check result from Website Online
You can check your result in the date of publication of result. To check the result –
- Go to the websites mentioned above (Go another website if you can not access any website. Because on that day, lot of students try to check their result.)
- Click on the link, like – “Check Madhyamik Result “
- Put you Name, Madhyamik Roll No etc.
- Click on submit button.
- The result will be displayed on that page
Official Website of Higher Secondary
Official website of Higher Secondary Board
Contact Details
77/2, Park Street. Kolkata-70016 Phone: 033-2226-8594/8595, 033-2229-8596/97/98, 033-22299660
Important Message
- NB: The article or content furnished above is true to the best of our knowledge and just to inform you, WinStudy will not be responsible for any modification of data by authority. Please go to the official website and official advertisement for detail information.