There are so many training course which you can do after your valuable secondary or higher secondary exam. Like – Police, Army, Defense, Fire brigade, Catastrophic management, Paramilitary, Coast guard, Nursing, Teaching, Health project, First-aid nursing, NCC, Civil Defense, scouts and guides, Primary health care, Disaster management. If you have any training in this course then it will be added as extra experience in your curriculum. If you have this training then you can get a job in a private sector as well as in the post of instructor. You can also do a free practice if you have training in primary health care. So you can do this training beside your conventional study.

1) Short term computer course
There are so many computer course like DCA, BCC, CCO, TALLY etc that you can complete in your leisure time after the exam. These course duration may be 3-6 months and fees varies from Rs. 500-2500. Now a days computer centers are everywhere. But you have to look which centers provide which certificate and who affiliate this certificate. This certificate help you anywhere to get a job in government sector as well as private sector.
2) First Aid and Home Nursing
A certain assistant to an injured person is called first-aid. These two organization only provide certificate after providing successful training of a specific duration. In every job related to medical these are most valuable. These two organizations are –
I) St. John Ambulance Association: They arrange four trainings: 1) First-Aid 2) Home Nursing 3) Hygiene and Sanitation 4) Mother craft and child welfare. Every course need eligibility of class VIII. Duration of this course is 16 hour with fees Rs. 300. The validity of the certificate that will provide after the course is for 3 years which can be renewed up to 5 years. There are some branches in the districts. The address of head office- St. John Ambulance Association, 5&6 government place(North), 2nd Floor, Kolkata-700001. Ph.- (033) 2248-7730. But in the tollygunge branch, these 5 training are provided – 1) Primary Resolutions 2) Home tidiness 3) Health Science and Health care 4) Maternity care and Child wellness 5) Industrial safety and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Contact address : rabindra Sarobor Stadium, Block 5A, Room No. 9, Kolkata-700029. Ph.- 9830023653, 9433011354.
II) Indian Redcross Society – We all are familiar with the word ‘Red cross’ without knowing its meaning. In 1859, there were hundreds of soldiers were injured in the war between Italy and France at Europe, that wondered and influenced the Eyewitness Henry Dunant. Then Henry Dunant decide to organize a permanent health center. That’s result International Red Cross Committee t 1863. These organization provide 3 training course – 1) First-Aid : 3 types- i) General, duration of 3 year with fees Rs. 400. Ii) Senior, for university and college students, duration of 3 days with fees Rs. 30. Iii) Junior, for school student, duration of 3 days with fees Rs. 25. 2) Nursing, duration 4 to 6 months. 3) Trailering. There are some branches in the districts. The Head quarter in our state(West Bengal) – Indian Redcross Society, 5&6 government place(North), Kolkata-700001. Ph- (033) 2248-3636. But in the N. 24 paragona branch, these 5 training are provided – 1) First-Aid (duration of 5 days) 2) Risk management (duration of 5 days) 3)Health Education(duration of 1 day) 4) Leadership Development (duration of 1 day) 5) I.H.L and Geneva Conventions (duration of 1 day) 6) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (duration of 1 day) 7) Blood Science and Blood donor motivation (duration of 1 day).Contact address- Indian Redcross Society, N. 24 Paragona, Beldeviar road, Kolkata-700027, ph.-(033) 2479-1064.
3) N.C.C
If you have National Cadet Corps or N.C.C certificate then you always get more marks in Ground forces, Navy, Air forces, Police And as well as in many competitive exams. And if you have ‘C’ certificate in NCC course, then you have not to give written exam in case of selection of army through rally in the post of soldier general duty. You can take NCC training from 13 years age. In this category, for A, B & C junior division, a person of school authority have to be trained at first. Then he can start a unit in the school and other students can enroll then. For senior division you have to application in Officer Commanding Unit. To get more information you can contact to NCC unit at Jadavpur University. You can check in the website-
4) Scout and Guide
Scouting has this three duty- Duty to God, Duty to neighbor, Duty to yourself. Scout and Guide training can be taken from your childhood. 5 to 10 years aged boys are called ‘Cub’ and girls are called ‘Bulbul’. 10 to 18 years aged boys are called ‘Scout’ and girls are called ‘Guide’.
18 to 25 years aged boys are called ‘Rover’ and girls are called ‘Ranger’. At the end of training ‘Cub’ and ‘Bulbul’ get State chief commissioner award in State level and golden award in National level. ‘Scout’ and ‘Guide’ get award from the governor in state level and from the president in National level. This trainings are provided through schools or clubs. There are reservation of seat for the trained ‘Scout’ and ‘Guide’ in the job of Indian rail. For more details you can contact – The Bharat Scouts and Guides(West bengal), state headquarters, 5 government place(North), Kolkata-700001. Ph.- (033) 2248-3641

5) Civil Defense
To deal with Social Disaster is the main duty of this sector. You can get job in Police, Defense, Fire Brigades, Paramedical rescue, Security management sector etc. For Civil Defense Volunteer trainings are provided from regional, state and national level. Basic foundation is the first level training of 5 days. Warden Service is the second level of 5 days. After successful training you can join in central civil defense training. Here the training categories are- Inspector, Causality, Firefighting, Disaster management relief etc. 3 training centers are in Kolkata- 1) North Sub area for North Kolkata 2) Central Sub area for Central Kolkata 3) South Sub area for South Kolkata. For central sub area there are a training center in Surjanagar, Tallygaunge, Kolkata. In case of female trainer in civil defense course, they gat basic and advanced training in first-aid at free of cost. Two times this training is arranged in one year. If you have this training, you get priority in ANM and GNM nursing course. To know more about civil defense course, you may contact in the address- Controller of Civil defense, 81/2/2, Phears lane, Kolkata-700012.
6) Practicing penance or austerity (Bratachari Training)
This training give you extra facility for the job of teaching based on secondary and higher secondary qualification. Psychological, Moral, Character development can occur through this training. This was first proposed by Gurusodoy Dutta. This training also arranged in many B.Ed, B.P.Ed, D.Ed, D.El.Ed colleges. By Folk dance, song and practicing exercise this training is arranged in three steps. The 1st & 2nd are 15 to 17 days and the 3rd takes 12 days to complete. For more details, you can contact – Brotochari Association, 191/1 B.B Ganguly Street, Kolkata-700012. Ph- (033) 2241-1839

7) Primary health Care – You get a good opportunity in block or district level in Disease control project and many Volunteer organization, if you have primary health care specialization training. Also in sometimes any project recruit the trained persons. By following World Health Organization(WHO), Indian institute for health training arrange this three trend-1) community Medical Service(CMS) Qualification- Secondary, Duration-1 year 2) Essential Drugs(EDT)-Qualificaton: CMS pass. 3) Malaria, Tuberculosis, S.T.D and Aids. Qualification- Secondary, Duration- each of 2 months. Contact address- Indian institute for health training, 226, B.B Ganguly Street, Kolkata-700012. Ph.- (033) 2225-9745, 8017040262. Also in Kalyani University this training is arranged for one month. You can contact- Kalyani University, Kalyani, Nadia. Ph- (033) 2580-8371.
8) Marine awareness
with the help of state government and state police Sea Explores Institute arrange this training course on Marine expedition, Marine awareness and Marine disaster. 1) seamanship– Qualification: Secondary, Age:18-30, Duration: 4 months 2) Marine Awareness– Qualification: Secondary, Age:18-30, Duration: 5 days 3) Underwater Driving– Qualification: Higher- Secondary in Science, Age:18-35, Duration: 6 weeks 4) Disaster Management– i) Life saving and rescue operation– Qualification: VIII pass and have know to swimming ii) Underwater deep driving for life saving– Qualification: Higher- Secondary in Science and have to know swimming. For details contact- Sea Explores Institute, Outram Ghat, Kolkata-700021, Ph- (033) 2248-7585.
I have described with a lot of details. If you feel any difficulty further you can comment in below or can directly contact through our contact us page.