If you are going to take admission in Engineering whatever it is Diploma of B.Tech, then apply for Pragati Scholarship. Pragati scholarship application form and other relevant details are mentioned below. here look a brief about this two scholarship –
Pragati is a MHRD Scheme being implemented by of AICTE aimed at providing assistance for Advancement of Girls pursuing Technical Education. Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skill and self confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process. This is an attempt to give young Women the opportunity to further her education and prepare for a successful future by “Empowering Women through Technical Education”.
Saksham is a MHRD Scheme being implemented by of AICTE aimed at providing encouragement and support to specially abled children to pursue Technical Education. This is an attempt to give every young student, who is otherwise specially abled, the opportunity too study further and prepare for a successful future.

Scholarship Name : AICTE PRAGATI & SAKSHAM ScholarshipOrganized By : All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)APPLICABLE FOR : 12TH PASSED GIRL STUDENTSMode of Application : OnlineApplication date : October – December every yearOnline Portal : https://www.aicte-india.org
Pragati Scholarship
- The candidate should be admitted to 1st year of Degree/Diploma course in any of the AICTE approved Institution of respective year through Centralized Admission process of the State/Central Government.
- Girl students have to admit in the 1st year of the current academic year.
- Two Girls Child per family are eligible.
- Family income is not more than 8 lakh per annum during the preceding financial year (in case of married girl, the income of parents/in-laws, whichever is higher will be considered).
Saksham Scholarship
- The candidate should be admitted to 1st year of Degree/Diploma course in any of the AICTE approved Institution of respective year through Centralized Admission process of the State/Central Government.
- Girl students have to admit in the 1st year of the current academic year.
- Specially Abled Student, having disability of not less than 40% and family income not more than 8 lakh per annum during the preceding financial year (in case of married girl, the income of parents/in-laws, whichever is higher will be considered).
(Note: Reservation-15% for SC, 7.5% for ST and 27% for OBC candidate/applicant.)
- Go to the official website of AICTE – Apply here
- After successful registration, the candidates will receive the login credentials on their registered email id and mobile no.
- Using the login credentials, the candidates can fill the application form from the website mentioned above.
- Now candidates have to fill up all the required information that is divided into 6 sections given below. –
i) Personal Details – Enter personal details
vi) Attachments upload – mentioned below
- After filling all the details, click on “submit application”.
Please attach the following with your application
- Mark Sheet of standard Xth /XIIth / others as applicable.
- Annual family Income Certificate for the preceding financial year in the prescribed format issued by not below the rank of Tahsildar.
- Admission letter issued by Directorate of Technical Education for the admission in Diploma/Degree course.
- Certificate issued by the Director/Principal/ Head of the Institute.
- Tuition fee receipt.
- AADHAR seeded Bank Pass Book in the name of the student indicating Account number, IFSC code and Photograph. Pass Book 1st page should contain clearly – i) Name of Account holder ii) Photograph iii) Address iv) IFSC code of bank v) bank account number vi) Proper seal and signature of Bank Manager.
- Caste Certificate for SC/ST/OBC category.
- Declaration by parents duly signed stating that the information provided by their child is correct and will refund Scholarship amount, if found false at any stage.
- Disability certificate issued by Competent Authority. (Only for Saksham Scholarship)
- Scanned Photograph and Signature in JPG/JPEG format.
Pragati Scholarship
- Total Number of Scholarship-4000 per Annum ( 2000 for Degree and 2000 for Diploma)
- Tuition Fee of Rs. 30,000/- or at actual, whichever is less and Rs.2000/- per month for 10 months as incidentals charges each year.
- In case of Tuition fee waiver/reimbursement, Students are eligible to get an amount of Rs. 30,000/- for the purchase of Books/Equipment/Softwares/ Laptop/Desktop/Vehicle/Fee paid towards competitive examination applications forms/exam.
Saksham Scholarship
- Total Number of Scholarship-1000 per Annum ( 500 for Degree and 500 for Diploma)
- Tuition Fee of Rs. 30,000/- or at actual, whichever is less and Rs.2000/- per month for 10 months as incidentals charges each year.
- In case of Tuition fee waiver/reimbursement, Students are eligible to get an amount of Rs. 30,000/- for the purchase of Books/Equipment/Softwares/ Laptop/Desktop/Vehicle/Fee paid towards competitive examination applications forms/exam/ specific equipments/ software’s for visually impaired/ speech and hearing disabled.
- The selection of candidate will be made on merit on the basis of qualifying examination to peruse the respective Technical Degree/Diploma course from any of the AICTE approved institution.
- Final merit list will be published in our website on January- February.
Second year students have to renew their scholarship by submitting a renewal form.
- Candidates have to collect their mail ID and Passward from their institute.
- Login in the specific portail by using these credentials- from here
- Fill all the detail and upload the required documents.
- Submit it successfully.
- Take a print out for future reference.
Application Deadline: December 2018 (Announced Soon) [Previous year it was –15 December 2017] AICTE pragati scholarship last date will be announced shortly.
Merit list will be published in AICTE website : on January- February
CONTACT DETAIL (For any queries)
All India Council for Technical Education-AICTENelson Mandela Marg Vasant Kunj,New Delhi-110067Website: www.aicte-india.orgPhone: 011-26131576-78,80
** File size of all the scanned documents should be less than the size mentioned in the online application under the respective headings.