Students of West Bengal who comes from minority family (Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains and Zoroastrians /Parsis) are eligible for this scholarship. A scholarship is nothing but a energetic subject (in terms of money) that energies a students for higher studies and encourage for a good result. The students of Engineering/ Architecture/ MBBS/ Medical & Para Medical Courses/ Veterinary Sc. & Animal Husbandry/ CA/CS/ ICWA/ Fashion Technology/ Design/ Pharmacy/ Law/ Management/MCA are eligible for this scholarship. This is basically a online process. All the eligibility criteria, application process, amounting scheme, important documents, selection process and contact details are described below. More than 20000 candidates are benefited under this scholarship.
Scholarship Name : Merit Cum Means Minority ScholarshipOrganization Name : Ministry of Minority Affairs (MOMA)Applicable For : Engineering/ Architecture/ MBBS/ Medical & Para Medical Courses/ Veterinary Sc. & Animal Husbandry/ CA/CS/ ICWA/ Fashion Technology/ Design/ Pharmacy/ Law/ Management/MCA
Mode of Application : OnlineLast date of Application : 31 October 2019 (for freshers) & July 2020 (for renewal)Online Portal :

Educational Qualification
- 50% marks in class VIII.
Others Qualification
- Students must have to be resident of India as well as West Bengal.
- The family income should not exceed Rs. 250,000 annually.
- Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jain and Zoroastrians (Parsis) Candidates are elogible only.
- The students must have to be admitted in any institution in India to avail this scholarship,
- Aadhaar No have to be registered with bank account. The scholarship money will directly transferred to this bank account
- Active bank account No
The Scholarship will be disbursed in November (for fresher) & December (for renewal) of this year. The amount directly transferred to the candidates account. The scheme will cover other allowances if the student lives in a hostel.
The Amount will be provided 5000-10000/-.
The application procedure for this scholarship is just online. And there are no offline process to apply. You have to apply from the government website –
- Visit the site and register yourself as a fresher.
- Note down the temporary id.
- Select the scholarship available for you.
- After apply successfully take the printout of the application form.

MOMA Merit Cum Means Scholarship renewal
- Student Photo. (Mandatory).
- Institution Verification Form. (Mandatory).
- Self declaration of Income Certificate by the student. (Mandatory).
- Self declaration of community by the student. (Mandatory).
- In case of Fresh: Self Attested Certificate of ‘Previous Academic Mark sheet’ as filled in Form. (Mandatory).
- In case of Renewal: Self-Attested Certificate of Previous Year Marksheet as filled in the Form. (Mandatory).
- Fee Receipt of current course year. (Mandatory).
- Proof of Bank Account in the name of student. (Mandatory).
- Aadhaar Card (optional).
- Residential Certificate. (Mandatory).
- Reservation for girls: 30% of the scholarship of total students, will be made available to girl students, and if in case the required number of eligible girls are not available then the balance scholarships may be distributed to boy candidates.
- The selection of the candidates will be based on merit basis.
- Preference: Students from BPL families will be given preference.
- After the scholarships are sanctioned the state/UT will publish the details of the selected students on the website of state/government/UT concerned
11th floor, Paryavaran Bhavan,CGO complex , Lodhi Road,New Delhi-110003Email-postmatric-mma@nic.inFax- 011-24364279 / 011-24364310Helpline no- 18001122001
If you are a fresher then must mention as a fresher during fill up the online form. 30% of scholarship will be earmarked for girl students. Students will not be allowed to apply in other scholarship scheme. Scholarship will not be paid for the candidates who are under internship/houseman ship for the course of M.B.B.S or any other vocational training in technical course.
NB: The article or content furnished above is true to the best of our knowledge and just to inform you, WinStudy will not be responsible for any modification of data by authority. Please go through the official website and official advertisement for detail information.